Wow! Way back in February the lovely Sally of Quirky Peach nominated/awarded me the Liebster Award! It came at just the right time since I was feeling a bit blue and wondering what in the world I was doing blogging. After some research I learned Liebster is German for beloved little one and this blog award is for those with 200 followers or less. I did my best to follow those rules...
Since September is my one year anniversary of blogging I thought it was about time to get this done and perhaps share a bit more about me.
The Liebster Blog Award Rules:
- Nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them
- Write 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
- Nominate other blogs and ask them 11 new questions
Since September is my one year anniversary of blogging I thought it was about time to get this done and perhaps share a bit more about me.
The Liebster Blog Award Rules:
- Nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them
- Write 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
- Nominate other blogs and ask them 11 new questions
Eleven Random Facts:
1. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a month before my 14th birthday.
2. I can't go to bed with my feet FEELING dirty.
3. Growing up, it was so hard to choose between sewing or reading my latest library book. I soon realized reading and ironing could not be done at the same time.
4. I love swimming. It's the one "exercise" I would do on a regular basis if we lived closer to a pool.
5. I love being with small children. They are honest, funny and full of surprises.
6. I get scared easily and therefore don't like halloween. Warning: trying to scare me may result in you getting punched, slapped or my ring in your lip.
7. I'm loud and laugh alot.
8. I don't like to drive.
9. The wind whispers secrets in my ear.
10. I love to sing.
11. Right now I think I want to build myself a tiny house with some sort of rounded red door. That or a house that looks like a big red mushroom.
My Eleven Questions from Quirky Peach are:
1. What is your favorite thing you have ever sewn?
Probably my coral 50s dress. It was such an easy vintage make, easy to wear and gets compliments from random strangers. What' s not to love.
2. Do you tend to sew more for yourself or others?
Hard call. Rough guess, Me 60% others 40%
3. What is one thing you love about where you live?
The glorious sunsets and all the stars at night.
4. Do you listen to music while you sew? If so, what kind?
YES! Most often I listen to Audiobooks or Podcasts but I also listen to instrumental stuff like Jon Schmitt and the Piano Guys. I like the acappella band Rescue, Celtic Men and Celtic Woman
5. What is your dream project to sew?
A king size paper pieced double wedding ring quilt. I have the pattern I just need to sit down and start sewing those wedges together. My Dad has bought and sold antiques since I was very little. I can remember him buying some old double wedding ring quilts and thinking the pattern and detail was beautiful. I've wanted to make one since then.
6. When did you start sewing?
When I was ten I announced to my parents I wanted to learn to sew. That summer my grandmother and I made a dress and jacket.
7. What is your favorite kind of fabric to sew with?
I must admit I haven't had a lot of diverse fabric experiences but right now I'm in love with knits.
8. What do you do if you get in a sewing funk?
Go visit the not-nieces and nephew or watch a movie and crochet, knit or embroider. Mainly just getting away and giving myself some space to relax and focus on other things.
9. If you could be any fictional character (movie, book, etc) who would it be?
The wise woman in George MacDonald's The Lost Princess A Double Story or Nurse Matilda/Nanny McPhee.
10. What is always at the top of your grocery list?
Milk or cheese or both.
11. Who is your biggest fan?
My parents. Both have been super supportive and encouraging. Dad was a boot maker so he understands and helps with the creative process while my Mom is always in awe and encouraging of what I do since she is not creative in the sewing field.
1. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a month before my 14th birthday.
2. I can't go to bed with my feet FEELING dirty.
3. Growing up, it was so hard to choose between sewing or reading my latest library book. I soon realized reading and ironing could not be done at the same time.
4. I love swimming. It's the one "exercise" I would do on a regular basis if we lived closer to a pool.
5. I love being with small children. They are honest, funny and full of surprises.
6. I get scared easily and therefore don't like halloween. Warning: trying to scare me may result in you getting punched, slapped or my ring in your lip.
7. I'm loud and laugh alot.
8. I don't like to drive.
9. The wind whispers secrets in my ear.
10. I love to sing.
11. Right now I think I want to build myself a tiny house with some sort of rounded red door. That or a house that looks like a big red mushroom.
My Eleven Questions from Quirky Peach are:
1. What is your favorite thing you have ever sewn?
Probably my coral 50s dress. It was such an easy vintage make, easy to wear and gets compliments from random strangers. What' s not to love.
2. Do you tend to sew more for yourself or others?
Hard call. Rough guess, Me 60% others 40%
3. What is one thing you love about where you live?
The glorious sunsets and all the stars at night.
4. Do you listen to music while you sew? If so, what kind?
YES! Most often I listen to Audiobooks or Podcasts but I also listen to instrumental stuff like Jon Schmitt and the Piano Guys. I like the acappella band Rescue, Celtic Men and Celtic Woman
5. What is your dream project to sew?
A king size paper pieced double wedding ring quilt. I have the pattern I just need to sit down and start sewing those wedges together. My Dad has bought and sold antiques since I was very little. I can remember him buying some old double wedding ring quilts and thinking the pattern and detail was beautiful. I've wanted to make one since then.
6. When did you start sewing?
When I was ten I announced to my parents I wanted to learn to sew. That summer my grandmother and I made a dress and jacket.
7. What is your favorite kind of fabric to sew with?
I must admit I haven't had a lot of diverse fabric experiences but right now I'm in love with knits.
8. What do you do if you get in a sewing funk?
Go visit the not-nieces and nephew or watch a movie and crochet, knit or embroider. Mainly just getting away and giving myself some space to relax and focus on other things.
9. If you could be any fictional character (movie, book, etc) who would it be?
The wise woman in George MacDonald's The Lost Princess A Double Story or Nurse Matilda/Nanny McPhee.
10. What is always at the top of your grocery list?
Milk or cheese or both.
11. Who is your biggest fan?
My parents. Both have been super supportive and encouraging. Dad was a boot maker so he understands and helps with the creative process while my Mom is always in awe and encouraging of what I do since she is not creative in the sewing field.
Cation Designs Funny, Fabulous Seamstress and has a Fantastic Cat. What more can you ask for. Without her help with the stashbusting sewalong I wouldn't have gotten to meet a bunch of you guys!
Marmota Lovely blog from the Czech Republic. Sewing and a different culture!
MoonThirty Witty, interesting and fun. I enjoy her spirt.
CariHomemaker Lovely garments and cute kids. She even has a son who sews!
Kbenco Gorgeous construction!
Crab&Bee Pretty much I want to steal several of her dyed garments. Give me lessons???
SewPassionistabyDiana I hope she doesn't take offense because I mean it in the best way but this is like taking sewing lessons from your uber stylish mom. I only hope I can rock some of those styles when I grow up.
Thread Theory They make modern men's patterns. Need I say more!?!
HandmadebyHeatherB This lady makes me laugh, every time. She also makes me want stuff, every time. We have a love hate relationship and like it that way. :)
Japanese Sewing Books Much more than just books, she reviews magazines, fabrics, translates requests, does tutorials and notifies you of free patterns and stuff. If you like Japanese style this is worth checking out.
Crafting A Rainbow Another lady who makes me smile. She has a good color palette and a beautiful smile.
My Eleven Questions for Nominees:
1. Who are the three most influential people in your life?
2. What is the most influential book you have read?
3. What's your favorite thing to do to relax?
4. What's your favorite thing to make?
5. What's your favorite pattern you've sewn?
6.When it comes to sewing: Quick and easy or special details?
7. Classic or Trendy?
8. What is one thing you would not want to live without?
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
10. If you could meet anyone from the past or present who would it be and why?
11. If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Thanks SO much Sally for choosing me! I'm so glad you did because I wouldn't have found your wonderful blog otherwise.
I hope you enjoyed this and I'll be talking to ya'all soon!
How flattering! Thank you for the award. I have enjoyed finding your blog through the stashbusting challenge.
Thanks, Emily! I also love swimming and dislike driving :)
Congrats on the blog award :) You totally deserve it :)
Hi Emsewcrazy.Thanks for the award I'm very flattered by what you said about me. It may take a little while to fulfill allthe conditions of the award but I will as soon as I can.Happy sewing.
You're most welcome. I've enjoyed discovering you all through the stashbusting challenge too!
OH funny! That's neat that we have something that random in common.
Thanks Jen, you're sweet.
It does take awhile to get it all filled out thoughtfully. I will be looking forward to when you get around to it. There is no hurry.
It was really interesting reading more about you! and I'm looking forward to seeing that double wedding ring quilt now. I made one, years ago. One was enough!
Thanks so much for passing on the Liebster award to me! I'm flattered to be included in such a great list of bloggers! I love how random your 'random facts' are - It will be a challenge to come up with ones that are as interesting and eclectic as yours!
I would love to make a double wedding ring quilt too! But first I have to something else, anything else! ;)
D'awww, thank you! I"m honoured! Mwah!
Yeah, I only plan on making one, for me! I'm not in too big of a hurry since I'm not getting a king size bed anytime soon.
You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed my facts. I tried hard to make them random. I look forward to hearing what you come up with.
Haha, maybe next year should be the double wedding ring sewalong instead of a stashbusting sewalong...
You're welcome! :D
Congrats on the award! :) I agree, going to bed with your feet feeling dirty is horrible!
Thanks, glad to hear I'm not alone with my feet feelings. :)
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