Hello My Curating Stashbusting Friends!
Today I am feeling good because I've got four tops cut out, the sun is shining and I'm wearing a new dress! Plus I'm so excited about COLOR! This time of year is so hard for me because our weather is still fluctuating, leaning heavily to the colder end of the spectrum and all I want it to do is warm up so I can break out the pretty dresses and bask in the sun!
I'm also really excited because we're finally discussing
color. How does it effect your sewing? Or more importantly how does it influence your stash? I've got several links for you today that have helped me on my color search.
There seem to be two approaches to finding your colors: intuitively or by method. I started on my color journey with
This post and t
his post by Steph.
I realized I look much better in creams and ivories than I do in white and discovered I'm a WARM person! I started paying attention when people commented on my appearance. I discovered a warm turquoise is my "magic" color after several people made some interesting comments. If you say I'm "how healthy" and "Oh, you must be feeling good." regardless of how I'm actually feeling,
(I'm a type 1 diabetic which gives everyone in the world the right to comment on me) I need to pay attention. :) This is also why my good friend from college loved the way I looked in her turquoise and gold earrings.
Taking into account the colors I love, feel happy and great in and this is my core color palette.
Rich browns, turquoise (don't know why it got so washed out in the photo) and warm reds, burgundy are my core color palette. |
In case you couldn't tell Steph favors the intuitive
color approach which was a really good thing because when I tried to do some more research to broaden my color palette and see if there were any great suggestions/surprises for me I found I didn't fit into any one season which made me "soft" which I interpreted to mean I can wear whatever colors I want! ( I can't find the cool website that had all the flow charts but there's tons of stuff out there)
Some other great resources I found are linked below in no particular order.
I just found Into Mind when I was researching building a cohesive wardrobe and love
this post on developing your color palette.
Here she dissects the seasons and discusses how to use them.
This was a fascinating article about color value that I found in the beginning of my color search.
Can Being Colorblind Make You A Better Artist or Designer?
I think everyone knows about Colette's
Wardrobe Architect discussions on color.
Color Explorer was a cool website I found where you can design your own palettes!
I've used this information to cull my stash of fabrics I know I probably will never wear or can see myself using anytime soon. B
ye bye beauties... I've also paid more attention to the colors of the fabrics I'm buying to make sure they fit into my general color scheme.
How about you? Do you have a color palette? Do you want one? Do you think all this color analysis is hogwash? Do you have a "magic" color?
PS. Oh yeah, do you have any other great resources on figuring all this jazz out? If you do I'd love to check it out so leave me a link!