Saturday, April 30, 2016

Stashbusting Ramble and Me Made May Pledge

I do not know where April went. Do you? 
Mine was lost in a blur of work, paper writing, apartment hunting and what feels like very little creating. Dabbling here and there but mostly treading water as I count down the days until school the job, and school the online, are completed.

Stashbusting, First off I'm so proud of how my little idea has grown over the years into this vibrant community! It has become part of the sewing world and will live on now regardless of what I do. This makes me happy. I am so thankful for everyone who participates and helps lead and give feedback. Stashbusting forever!

Transition from that high, I'm pretty sure I gave into my fabric fears by not sewing much of anything this month. I am greatly enjoying all the new additions to my wardrobe from the contest I entered last month though. Eventually they will all get blogged... Oh I just checked my list, I sewed up two pieces of fabric this month. A tunic and a sack dress. I guess two pieces out is still two out. I don't think I bought any fabric this month although I've started looking at the emails... must stop!


 After much dithering, I decided to participate in Me-Made-May this year. I pledged to not stress out about taking photos every day or wear a certain number of handmade pieces. Instead I am going to wear whatever I want and keep records. Here's what I'll be tracking:
  • number of wears
  • how it makes me feel
  • why I wore it
  • how it functioned
After writing it down that actually doesn't look too complicated... what I will do with this data remains to be seen. Can you think of anything else that would be good to track? Are you participating in MMM?

Well I better get back to my final research paper... I keep telling myself I can sew summer dresses as soon as I finish it...