Saturday, January 23, 2016

Building A Sewing Business! Subscribe!

Well Sewing Friends,
  I have made some decisions and decided to spread my wings! Long have I deliberated on how to promote my business without turning my blog into a giant boring advertisement and the solution was really quite simple once I thought about it. Create an email list!

I'd like to introduce you to: EmSewCrazy's Snippets & Surprises

This email will be sent out... monthly? Or less... Haven't figured all that out yet. If I don't have any amazing finds or sales or cool things to show you why would I send an email to just clutter up your inbox? 
When I do send you an email it will always be connected to sewing somehow... whether it's something I've made that expresses our love for sewing or delightful vintage fabric and patterns I've picked up in my wanderings. 
I also want an easy, quick way to notify you of sales that are happening in the sewing world! So if you are interested... subscribe below and get your first surprise! A coupon code for my new collection!

What collection??

Let's celebrate Valentines Day expressing our love for those incredible buttons! I'm trying to bring vintage buttons back out into the light of day without harming them and these elegant and fun beauties are what I've come up with. This is just a sneak peek up on Etsy now. The rest will be released February 4th so you can shop and ship before the holiday. 

Not the best photo but... I'll also be releasing limited edition vintage embroidery pendants. All cut from damaged linens the delicate handwork still remains. They're perfect for Valentines because you can insert a small love note in the back if you so desire.

Ok... what do you think? Why do you sign up for newsletters and what do you like to read in them?

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