
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Vibrant April Stashbusting Roundup

Hello Stashbusters! 
Once again another month has passed us by. I'm not even sure what I got accomplished, but I know the month went out the same way it came in; lots of snow and wind. I just made it back from an impromptu vacation to visit some friends. I did sew a beautiful teal maternity skirt for my friend, for the ball we went to but I was a bad blogger and didn't take any photos. I have some of the teal fabric left over though... ;0)

So this month it's up to you! What did you make? Let me see your vibrantness! Did anyone make up a color palette? I'd love to check it out! I'm off to any early bed now so I'll see you all in MeMadeMay!


  1. I only finished one project, and it's not so vibrant. But the print is pretty cool. :)

    My in-progress project is much more vibrant:

    And I made this a couple of months back for the Wardrobe Architect assignment, but here's my color palette!

  2. Here's the only on-theme sewing that I managed for the month.

    This one was pretty colourful too though!

  3. Ooh off to check it out now! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Can't wait to check out your color palette and projects! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I managed to sew 3 garments but have only blogged one so far, the yellow blouse and have the burgundy track pants and a knit top finished.

  6. Ooh, I've been gone for a week so I'm looking forward to catching up on what everyone's made!
