
Monday, April 28, 2014

MMM 2014 and My Style

Make your pledge
 Be prepared sewing blogsphere! Me-Made-May is taking over! While I'm having a fabulous time visiting friends I couldn't miss out on signing up for my second year!

'I, EmSewCrazy from TumbleweedsInTheWind, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear at least one piece of handmade clothing each day for the duration of May 2014. I will use this month to test my handmade clothes and fill the gaps in my wardrobe before I leave for summer camp.'

I've also been pondering "my style silhouettes" as this month approaches and have come to some conclusions. All images are taken from this pinterest board. These photos aren't necessarily my favorite color schemes or details but they are the clearest representation I could find of these silhouettes.
This outfit probably encapsulates my style. Semi fitted top with a comfy swishy skirt in fun fabrics! I really love how they paired the stripes with a tiny polka dot.

Keeping with the fitted top, poofy bottom theme, I really love 50's - 60's style dresses! It's such a pretty and easy wearing silhouette.


TUNIC TOPS! I think we have discussed my love of these before but I realized these are my two favorite kinds to wear. Be they fitted and knitted, or flowy and fun, I love wearing some tunics over fitted trousers.

This is the new silhouette I discovered while on this journey. I like this long fluff style...

I've realized even though I'm tall and can wear a lot of different shapes, these are obviously what I gravitate towards and feel most comfortable in. It's also pretty obvious I love lace, along with pleats, pin tucks, fabulous appliqués and dramatic draping.

So how are you guys doing? Any MMM participants? How many years have you participated? Any amazing style revelations made lately?


  1. I'm going to give it a go, though I already have my greatest MMM nemesis to face: an open-to-close Saturday work shift at the job where my uniform is a company t-shirt and jeans that I can mess up! Ugh!
    That orange poppy dress you linked up is pretty fun!

  2. Ooh I look forward to seeing how you approach your challenge. The poppy dress is so cool! When I have more time I'd love to see if I could recreate something similar.

  3. Oh boo hoo! Sounds like someone has her work cut out for her! I've got two pairs of bottoms cut out and once those are done I'm back to tackling the knits! I hope to sneak in a few more tunic tops before I go!
