
Monday, September 30, 2013

September An aMAZEing Month

I first ran across the marble game idea from THIS blog post. It is as super simple and as super fun as the author said. I although, couldn't make my games as simple as hers. For my mazes I cut a 6 x 8 inch rectangle and drew my own maze/path that was roughly one inch.
I make one side colorful and one side solid. Thread color is up to you
whether you want contrasting or invisible.

I used fabric markers to add start and finish shapes to opposing corners.

The solid side allows you to show the maze and let the kids see which
way to go. Different "start" and "finish" symbols are a must otherwise
they'll get turned around and forget which corner they are working towards.
I've watched the Pink Princess play with these and at 5 1/2 she really seemed to grasp the concept and enjoy moving the marble. This is a great fine motor skills activity as well. Before that she didn't show too much interest and got bored with it. Maybe the simpler ones would be better for a younger age? I'm also wondering if these would be a good pocket exercise for adults with ADD? A small one wouldn't take up much room in a pocket and whether you have ADD or not once you pick one of these up you have to move the marble.

So what did YOU stashbust for September? Cindy has taken time from her busy work and student schedule to post her adorable project and open up the link party for us all! Head on over so we can see what you've been making!
I'll be back on Wednesday with my September Flickr roundup and our October challenge details! See ya then!


  1. this is cool! never would have thought of this!

    1. They are pretty fun! No matter how old you are, once you pick one up you have to complete the maze! :)
