
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stashbusting Birthday Bag

The round of birthdays is underway here. We start in August and go until January. Anyone else have all the family birthdays stacked in one chunk of the year?
The beginning of September was the Little Man's birthday, so I real quick whipped him up something before I left for the wedding.
Plenty of room for school papers, or my sewing books???
Earlier this year he had found this FABULOUS, probably vintage, sailing? map? ocean? home decor weight print in my stash. That boy has an eye, let me tell you.
Closeup of print. It's so cool.
I wanted to make him one of those fun monster bags I keep seeing on Pinterest for Preschool but earlier this year he had specifically requested a bag with a flap and a long strap that went over his shoulder. So I decided to bite the bullet, use the stash, and make him what he had requested; because, sure as shootin' I make my own idea, he'll remember what he said to me six months ago... (kids are like that, ya know... always remembering stuff you've forgotten.)

This flap bag is so simple to make, holds a TON, (especially if you don't put a closure on the flap) and can be made any size or shape which is why I'm not giving you any measurements. You can use any rectangular piece of fabric you have although I recommend the outer shell be heaver weight because you'll be using this ALOT.
Lining also from stash, Boxed corners and topstitched handle. 
This was the moment when I almost decided to keep it...

I threw a quick video together since I can't draw like Cation Designs, then I spent way to long playing around with sound effects...
Anyways, hope you enjoy it and talk to you soon. Any questions, please just ask.


  1. What a terrific idea for my 3 little men! Messenger bags for each one hmmmmm, now I just need to find some Dr. Who fabric.

    1. Oooh Dr. Who fabric!! Sounds fabulous. There's some gorgeous but pricey Dr. Who fabrics on You'll have to let me know how they go!

  2. That is some fabulous fabric! He does indeed have an eye for that kind of thing, and boy do I know how kids remember everything they ever said at the most inconvenient times...
