
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October Stashbusting Theme!

Hello My Stashbusters!!
Can you believe we've almost completed our year of stashbusting? We've only got three months left and I don't know about you but I've still got a ways to go. :) Let's talk about October's Theme.

October: Sewing for Others for CHRISTMAS!!
Yes, I said Christmas. Don't hate me. Here's my thinking though, I always have a huge list of things I want to make for everyone and their brother but I always run out of time. Anyone else ever in the same boat? Come on, be honest...
This October take the time to whip out a few gifts for your teachers, the kids, or even that special someone. Or start on that big project you always have to downsize since you didn't start it in time. Whatever you get done will give you less stress closer to the holidays and leave you more time to spend with those you love.
Remember, the themes are always optional as long as sewing from the stash is not.

To keep from getting discouraged it's important to look back and remember what we have accomplished. Specifically what we accomplished in September! If you haven't added your makes to Cindy's link party you still have a bit of time. Remember that there will be voting for the best garment and best toy. Silly little prizes will be given...
Looking back, here's some of my favorite kid makes that showed up in our flickr group.

Ottobre 03/2013-22
Coolest back pockets EVER!
September Stashbusting: Vest, belt, pouch
Pirate Costume! Love costumes!

Oliver + S raglan
Space Invaders!

New Look 0184 outfits
Super Duper Adorable!
There were some other fabulous stash makes that weren't for kids this month but to see them you'll have to check out the Flickr pool yourself.
So how are you feeling? Are you in a sewing slump? Has life been too crazy to sew? I know it's been touch and go for me this month. I'm hoping October will give me some quality sewing time and I'll make a dent in the stash this month.


  1. Aaah! Christmas??? I have to get past Halloween first...
    Thanks for featuring my little guy's jeans! They were so fun to make!

    1. I know! I thought of Halloween as I was writing this... but so many people procrastinate I thought mentioning and making a few things might put some of us ahead of the game while still leaving time for halloween costumes.

      Your jeans were great! I'm thankful to you and Froggy Girl. You guys keep the Flickr pool going!

  2. This X-Mas theme is really cool. You always hit the nail on head with the monthly themes :) always something I've planned for long but never had real motivation to do. Now I can't run away with cheap excuses :)

    1. Thanks. Glad the themes are inspiring people! Looking forward to seeing what you sew up!
