
Friday, April 19, 2013

New Ironing Board!

It's Friday! I'm Home! Guess that means I better get back into the swing of things which means I need to get back to stashbusting and blogging! I've got some personally vibrant projects to show you next week but if you're still in need of some color inspiration check out these boards from Alberto Mateo: Paint your World RED (my favorite color!!) and Colorful World (for great contrasts). They were the perfect pick me ups after coming home to more snow and cold.

I'm so proud of myself for finally getting this project accomplished. I have a small portable ironing board that was in SAD condition!
The sheet was rotten and shredding off. There was no padding.

Since I'm teaching my first sewing class tomorrow (so excited!!) I figured it was about time to get it done. Here's a couple helpful tutorials I ran across Super Easy and Simple Recovery. I decided to use a chunk of wool I had been given for my birthday a couple years ago as padding. Apparently wool is great to hold steam and reflect it back into your work. I had a chunk that felt half felted and was too small and heavy to make into a garment.

I folded it in half and trimmed it to shape doing some clipping for a tighter
fit around the board.
I decided it was time to use some of this cute quilting cotton from the stash that I'd been saving for who knows what!

Many staples and a few safety pins later I had a nicely recovered ironing board. I stapled the padding down first then the fabric. Everything was pulled extra snug.
Finished project and messy sewing table.
I can't wait to give it a try tomorrow! I hope the stashbusting is going well for everyone. April has been a hard month for me since the weather can't decide what it's doing. Have a great weekend!


  1. Well done, looks great! It is still snowing here in Norway as well - arrggggh!

    Good luck tomorrow!


    1. Hello Norway!!
      We're so thankful for the moisture here but I am very tired of the cold and wind.
      My class went very well and I'm so excited!! That's a job I could do every day!
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Love it! I can't wait to hear more about your class!!

  3. Welcome back! I love how your new ironing board looks! I need to recover mine, but it's a metal back so alas, stapling won't work.

    1. Thanks! It was a great trip but it was good to get home. I'm in love with the little thing! I was pretty tickled when I realized I was going to be able to staple it. Good luck on your metal one! I'll have to redo my metal one soon too so post any good tips you learn! :)
