
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Vibrant Inspiration & Travel Wardrobe

Oh my! To sound cliched, "Time flies when you're having fun" or more originally, "Time flies when you're nannying." I'm sitting in the airport listening to the baby giggle and squeal on the floor as we wait to board our flight.
Isn't she great! Wish you could hear her sing.
This week has been full of vibrant people instead of vibrant sewing projects. I've enjoyed the change and I'm refreshed and ready to get back to work in the sewing room.

The sky back home. 
 Usually I travel with only a carry on and this trip has shown me I need to work on a capsule wardrobe. I need to pack warmth, color and variety in a few pieces. Any suggestions on how to plan such a thing?
See Ya when I land!

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