
Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm In For MMM'13!!!

I'm in!!
The first blog I started following was SoZoe...  and I was terribly disappointed to realize I had found her too late to participate in Me-Made-May. This year I'm so excited to take the pledge and join in on all this fun!
'I, Emily of TumbleweedsInTheWind, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one to two me made garments each day for the duration of May 2013. I will also do my best to photograph each outfit so I can evaluate what I have made and what styles work best for me.'

 If you want to sign up too, head on over to this blog post for all the details. Just make sure you do it before May 1st!

I feel this will fit nicely with our May Stashbusting Challenge which is KNITS!! I love knits and can't wait to sew up some fun projects with all the stashbusters. I'll probably need them to get through the month! In closing here's a quick pic of me on my nannying trip last week to Utah. They has such pretty flowers blooming while it was blizzarding at home!
Denalli and I being tourists at Temple Square. 


  1. Cute! I love that turquoise on you!

    1. Thanks! It's fast becoming one of my favorite colors to wear!
