
Monday, February 2, 2015

January Stashbusting 2015 Roundup

Whew! Our first month has flown and the totals are rolling in! January's theme was refreshment. Whether that was reorganizing, tackling the UFO pile or sewing something to get back in the groove I wanted to give us time to catch up and take a deep breath! It's a good thing too because Judy is our Theme Leader for this month and she is hosting a CONTEST! With prizes and everything! So hop over there to get the details and look at the stash in a new light.

How did I do in January?
I also got a couple other projects cut out and some PDFs printed so February should see me chugging right along. But what about you? Here's what's happening in the Flickr group!

M6444 Front
Debra's Celebrating Jungle January!

Jungle January 2014
Katie got in on it too!

Wanderlust quilt
I LOVE this gorgeous travel quilt

Spring Table Runner
Speaking of quilting here's another fresh one from Shannon!

Simplicity 7498
Sue's tearing through her piles which
makes it hard to chose my favorite
make from her. It's hard to beat
polka dots and a pool though. 

Jungle January 2015
Speaking of cute! What a great mother daughter combo!

There's a bunch more great projects in the group  which you are still most welcome to join. You'll have to send a request because we are making it private from now on. 

So how do you feel your month went? Are you refreshed and ready to go or still feeling overwhelmed by the piles?


  1. Oh, I'm jealous and so impressed that you made so many things! I need to sew down some of my stash! Way to go with the stashbusting!

  2. Thanks! I had the silk cut out and the Staple dresses almost finished and the Camas PDF already put together. The rest of my projects were small or TNT patterns. I guess when you list it out it does look like a lot. Thanks!

  3. Sounds like a really productive month for you! I'm particularly impressed with the sari output, because I always struggle with what to do with leftover yardage from a project. It's the one downside to being a printoholic.

  4. Thanks Becky. I can't wait to photograph the sari projects it's just been way too cold here. I had a lot of fun deciding how and where to use the borders to add "print" to my project.
