
Monday, September 1, 2014

September Stashbusting: Children

Hello My Eager Stashbusters!
  I am so happy to be back sewing with you! It seems Facebook has been roaring away without much assistance, which makes me happy. There's nothing like accidentally starting a group that becomes self sustaining. We've had a lot of new people join so I thought I'd go over a few of the "rules" just in case...

The Only Real Rule is: USE YOUR STASH!

The themes are completely optional and only there to inspire or give you guidance if you so desire.

The goal of this sew along is to encourage us to consider and use the resources we already have instead of always getting new stuff.

Here's some helpful links to: Our Main Page (which includes links by month to our Pinterest boards) Facebook, Flickr

I do feel kind of bad for how little participation I've put in this year and want to say again how thankful I am for all your encouragement and enthusiasm for this project!

Now September's Theme! CHILDREN!!! Inspired by, or literally sewing for them, children or childlike is this month's theme. Will you make clothes? Toys? Quilts? Or add some childlike whimsy into your next make?

Let's jump in and get sewing!


  1. You feel bad about your lack of participation - that's forgiveable :) I feel bad about stashing huge amounts this year. Oh well, not to worry, more stash to use.!!

  2. I say let's ditch the guilt and move on! Let's just keep sewing!
