
Monday, March 24, 2014

Searching To Find My Style: Wardrobe Analysis

Darlings! It feels like forever since we've chatted. Drat emergency rooms and the inability to plan ahead for them. :) There's nothing like a visit to one to make you feel grateful to be alive and take a brief moment to evaluate your priorities though. I am so thankful to be alive and here and not dying of a heart attack. Anyways, back to the important stuff....
Before March comes to end I wanted to take some time and see if I could come up with my "style". I feel so hodgepodge and pulled in many directions so I'm hoping this exercise brings some clarity...
I asked you to go through your closets and pull out your favorite pieces and search for commonalities so I decided to start there.
I like tunic tops and stripes... that wasn't hard. :)

I love lace and this top is so floaty and accentuates my natural waistline.
Full skirts and natural waistline... straight dress in the middle is the odd
one out but I love it too.

I've got a little bit of everything going on here... full skirts for easy movement, knee length skirts with well fitting
waistbands, I like the pencil and full silhouette.

  • I like ease of movement in my clothes
  • Emphasis on the natural waistline
  • Good fit is key to getting me to pull pieces out again and again
  • I love lace, color blocking, tunics, florals and stripes
  • I'm not afraid of the dramatic
  • It seems I have two favorite silhouettes or shapes I like to wear: fit and flare or straight all the way. 

As I was writing this post I think I had a breakthrough! I was rereading some of Colette's Wardrobe Architect posts and downloaded the shapes worksheet to see what it says when I realized something...  I'm looking at all the different shapes of my clothes and am expecting them to be the same and that's my "style" but I was wrong. I can wear many different shapes but it will be the fabrics, colors and how I combine those shapes to create my style. Am I thinking correctly here? This is so exciting!
I hope your March Stashbusting is going well whether you are analyzing your wardrobe or not!

PS! Look what came in the mail today with a lovely card full of tips on putting it together! I won it during Sew Grateful Week from Kate from Good Purl Gone Bad?
Now this is my style ;) not that you can tell
from the bright photograph.


  1. Sorry to hear about the ER trips - I hope you're ok!

  2. Thanks, I am! On antibiotics and feeling better every day.

  3. Glad you are feeling better, didn't like the sound of ER. Yes you are correct it is how you wear your shapes that creates your style!

  4. Yea! I'm so glad to have figured a bit of this out! Now I'm having fun looking at different styles and seeing how my wardrobe reflects that.

  5. Thanks Heather! I'm pretty excited about the tunic tops I have planned! Fun Stuff Alert! Hope you get to feeling better soon too!
