
Friday, February 28, 2014

February Stashbusting Link Party

Hello Scintillating Stashbusters,
  I don't know about you but I don't know where the month of February went. I've felt quite overwhelmed and have been trying to crawl out from under the pile most of the time. I found out I got a summer job, started teaching sewing lessons one day a week, kept up with my Korean lessons and dealt with all the drama that life likes to throw at you. :)
How much sewing did I get accomplished?

I managed to finish up three knit tops, two which fit the February theme. I made my Mom two simple tops to wear with her new skirt or whatever she wants. I love how versatile knit tops are. You can have such fun with prints. I made myself a basic navy tee that's gloriously long and will fill a huge gap in my wardrobe; however boring it may appear in photos.

So with my cat apron and Tiny World Tutorial that gives me 4 garments for February and my totals for the year up to 9 of 35 garments and 5 miscellaneous projects not counting two pants muslins made from stash.

Now it's your turn, how did February go for you? Leave me a comment and link to your sewing in February so we can all see what you've been up to. Before I leave you I just want to say I've so enjoyed Sew Grateful week and I am very thankful for all of you who read my blog and participate in the Stashbusting. You are an encouragement to me!


  1. Well done on your 4 projects for the month! I managed to do 5 things during February: 1 dress, 2 tops and a skirt for me, and a dress for my daughter. So far, hers is the only thing blogged. Here's the link for it:

  2. Four project sound great what with all the other stuff that fills your time. I'm sure your Mom appreciates the new shirts. I met my sewing for other people goals other then whipping up something for my husband. Poor guy gets the short end of the sewing stick.

  3. Not a very successful month at all, no sewing for others :( and 1 garment finished! Need to pick up my game for March. You can read the details here
