
Friday, December 20, 2013

Top 5 of 2013: Inspirations and Goals

Top 5 of 2013 - An Annual Blog Series

Ooh I'm so excited to take part in this! What a great way to think back over your year of creating. Crafting a Rainbow has been one of my favorite reads this year and I've really enjoyed her thoughts on color. I decided to start with these categories since they took the least photo collaging this late at night. :)
  • Top 5 Inspirations: What books, people, blogs, trends etc motivated you this year?
    • Steph of Sewing Cake  Seeing her build a sewing business from the ground up and developing her own better system of pattern making has been truly an inspiration.
    • Those Who Make  I love relaxing to these videos and if I'm feeling a slump they're sure to reenergize me. The photos are pretty amazing too.
    • Handmade by Carolyn  Beautiful work, beautiful photos. They challenge me to do better without discouraging me with their perfection.
    • Cation Designs, Heather B, These ladies posts always bring me a smile if not a great belly laugh. 
    • The Japanese Sewing Books blog and Japanese style. I really, really like it... or I just really really like moo moos. The jury's still out on this.... :)
  • Top 5 Goals for the New Year
    • make some menswear, preferable one of Thread Theory's  ( I have skinny brothers)
    • get a better handle on my colors and understand/find my style
    • (more of a wish) sew myself something from a Japanese sewing magazine or book
    • work on building a cohesive wardrobe. I know this is something that will not happen overnight but I'd like to head that direction.
    • use up the stash so it ALL fits on the shelving I already own.


  1. Thanks for mentioning me in your inspiration list pretty lady. I'm glad to be a source of the funny. :)

    I'd love to see you make some clothing from Japanese pattern books. They are super dreamy.

  2. Thank you so much for those kind words, that's so sweet of you... (warm fuzzy feeling) :) I like your list of goals for next year, and am looking forward to seeing how you go!
