
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Christmas Elf Gets Merry Giveaway!

Merry Christmas all you sewing fanatics! 
This is the Fabric Elf speaking! I’ve hijacked Em’s blog today because she’s busy finishing up Christmas gifts now that she’s finally quit being sick. Lame, I wish elves got sick days. How come there’s no rest for us poor old elves? All the work we do, sneaking in fabric, 

sorting shelves, 

deciding which projects should be next, bring fabric cheer… Oh yeah! That’s what I’m doing right now!! 

I had a good rummage through Em’s stash while she was coughing in bed and came up with some beautiful bits of vintage fabric that she’ll never miss. 

Some are bigger chunks some are smaller. I dare ya to find them anywhere else! Oh yeah, some buttons too… cause I know you all are suckers for buttons! Muhaahahahahahaha, (cough) I mean, Peace and Love to All! So anyone anywhere in the world can have these delightful goodies by entering this swanky giveaway dealieo below cause us fabric elves are up on our technology! Yeah!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the elf in the stash! My favourite Christmas memory is Santa bringing my cat a stocking of cat biscuits and i poured them out on the floor and let him eat them then as i tucked into my chocolate Santa

  2. I love the seasonal fabric - especially the colors! My favorite Christmas memory is really more of a feeling... I love getting up early and sitting around with my family opening presents, listening to music, and eating breakfast (usually the only time each year my mom makes it!). It's such a nice, quiet, serene time especially since we're usually half asleep!

  3. Fav Xmas memory is when I got my first real electric sewing machine 15years ago. That Xmas was nothing really to remember but I still have the machine and all the nice things I ended up making :)

  4. Hmmmm. Hard to say. Probably it would be the Christmas after my daughter was born when we went to a condo in the mountains with my folks and spent the whole day sledding!

  5. My favorite Christmas memories are of baking the traditional Scandinavian cookies together with my sister and mom.
