
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Stashbusting Theme and August Roundup

What a whirlwind this last month has been. Hopefully as the school season starts up again we can adjust to the new rhythm our days hold and continue to find some time to sew. For September we have a new theme that's small in size but big in impact! It's KIDS MONTH!!!

This will be another challenge month with a dual focus. You can make a garment for a child or toys and useful things for children. Whether you have children of your own or have to borrow someone else's kid, I hope you find some time to spend with some of the most refreshing people our world has to offer.

Here's our Stashbusting Kids Pinboard. I also have my personal Girl Stuff, Boy Stuff and Costume boards that I've been collecting projects on for my not-nieces and nephew.

Sewing Like Mad is also running a kid's sewalong that goes from preschool to elementary age kids. She's offering a great prize package too. You can check out her blog by clicking on the button below.

Sewing Like Mad

For those who have older children a new blog has been started to help out those sewing for the "tween" age. Go check out SewCoolForTheTweenScene

Well, that's enough inspiration for September. Let's see what was accomplished in August. Here's some of my favorite projects from our Flickr pool.

03/2013 #33 Chica Ciclista Leggings
Cute and comfy leggings
Bloggers' BOM - finished!
Lovely autumnal quilt
Jalie 2788
Fabric and Pattern used from stash Double Win!
Front swishy skirt
Lauguishing UFO no longer!
Shibori romper
Romper+Dyed Fabric=Uber coolness!

Kimberly's Birthday
Family dresses times three
Seamstress in action.
Now go forth and sew! I'm going to go lay in the hammock in my best friends back yard! I love vacations, don't you... :)


  1. I popped over to check out your Sew Weekly Reunion piece and see my leggings made it on your post!!! Yay! So excited! and glad you like them.

    I honestly wish I could wear them because they are so soft. I must revel the good sews and not think about the items that don't fit right.
    Speaking of... so sorry to hear about your Sew Weekly top. It does really look cute, wish it fit you better :(

    1. Hi! Nice to see you here! Your leggings were super cute. I want a pair too! :)

      Sewing is a learning process. I'm just thankful as many things work out as they do.

  2. Sewing for kids? I'm on it!
    btw, do you have a list of challenges/themes for the rest of the sewalong? (like you/Cindy posted at the start of the sewalong for the first six months) I found it really helped me plan my sewing better... thanks, Gaenor.

    1. Yea!! Glad to see someone's excited about this challenge! Looking forward to seeing what you create!
      Um, yes we have a list.... I'm going to be updating my main Stashbusting Sewalong page today so you should be able to see the rest of the year by this evening.... Sorry about my procrastination. I don't know where the time went!
