
Friday, August 23, 2013

My Voice Meme

So hear you have it! The completely unvarnished me! In case you couldn't tell I didn't do my hair or makeup for this video! I was also pretty cold which is why I was wearing my bathrobe?housecoat? (Ooh maybe we should add that to the question list) and why my voice was a bit shaky. I've really been enjoying these. Some people's voices really surprise me and others make sense. Mostly I'm surprised though... Ok I've warned you enough, here ya go!

So what do you think of my voice, Lelia? Is it what you expected?
Hey Guys, do you think I have an accent?

PS. You have no idea how excited I am to have figured out all the techno stuff to make a video and get it onto the blog. I am the queen of making things too big and having to redo them.

PPS. You have no idea, (unless you've already done one of these) how odd it is to hear your own voice and see yourself. I kept thinking, "Do I REALLY sound LIKE THAT?!?!!"

PPPS. Lelia has put up a list of all of us doing this! See it HERE!


  1. omg, I love you! I love that you get excited and your voice gets high! Love it. Oh and I love calling pajamas "PJs". My kids love calling them pjs, too. And then they giggle. Yaaaay! You got your meme up!

    1. Aww, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for encouraging me to get it up. Sometimes I feel like the new kid at the party and wonder what I'm doing here so I appreciate the encouragement and I'm SO glad you enjoyed it! Being on camera was a new kind of nerve wracking experience.

  2. Yay! More voices from my favourite part of the internet. A nice way to celebrate your one year of blogging. I didn't realise so many US accents pronounced "caught" more like "cot". And I laughed at "the pot"! Pot would mean something very different round here!!

    1. Thanks! Pot can mean something Very different here too! I thought about that after I said it...
      Now I'm going to have to go back and listen to how everyone else say caught.

  3. Happy Anniversary!! So glad you added your voice!

    1. Thanks! This has been so fun to hear everyone's!

  4. Hi Em, was cool to hear you finally after your posts :) Supercool :D
    Were you excited? I had the feeling :)
    I think you have a tiny accent (and probably more experienced users would even be able to tell which part of the US you're from not knowing the answer upfront) but I could only tell it's a bit different from my manager's way of speaking (she's native speaker but I have no clue where she's from - maybe she has an accent and you don't :)

    1. Hi!
      Yes I was excited! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm sure I do have an accent to other parts of the world. I dont' think it is distinctive like someone from the south, etc. It's just American. That's my thought at least.

  5. Ha haa haa! You're cracking me up! I especially enjoyed your asides and the almost 360 rotation around sewing central.

    1. So glad you liked it! I really enjoyed your voice as well. Hope I didn't make anyone seasick with all my twirling!

  6. Just listened to this and it was great to finally hear your voice. You actually sound much like I thought you would and your voice definitely did get higher as you spoke faster which is cute :)

    1. Funny. Interesting to hear I sound as you imagined I would. Glad you think high and fast is cute. My mom thinks no one can understand me when I do that.
