
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Silky Love Story

Tonight I am going to tell you a lovely love story. One of my best friends is getting married in September. If I could ever use the term "kindred spirit" it would be with her. I've been privileged to be her listening ear as she's traveled that crazy path that leads to true love.
Now I know what you're thinking, "True Love, isn't that kind of cheesy. How do YOU know it's true love when all you've had are phone calls from a million miles away. Isn't that a little over the top."
Scoff not my friends, (and hang in there, I promise sewing will come in later) I know and here is one of the reasons why.
My friend is a really beautiful, classy lady but she couldn't see it. For as long as I've known her she has struggled with her appearance. While she didn't obsess or let it affect her daily life you could see the insecurity behind her eyes. Until HE came along.
Then all I heard were the praises of him; how valued he made her feel, and the thoughtful things he had done. There was nary a glimmer of her insecurities. When she called me and practically sang, "He loves me. I WANT TO MARRY HIM!" I could feel the glow traveling through the phone.

Engagement soon followed and a wedding date was finally chosen. I finally had to get off my duff and make her super special wedding/bachelorette gift. Finally we get to the sewing, whew!

A pretty silky nightgown for nights when she doesn't
 want to scream "I'm sexy." I checked with some of my
married friends and they said this was a good idea.
I snagged this lovely print at a thrift shop at the beginning of the year because I knew this day would be coming long before she did. She is darker complected than I am and I think this lavender will look lovely on her.
I wanted something super simple and this free Japanese tank dress pattern I found from this lovely blog, fit the bill. While her measurements put her at the second largest size I cut the largest size of the pattern on the bias so there would be plenty of room and be comfy to sleep in. It also gave me a bit extra to do french seams and not have to add seam allowance.

Another change I made to the pattern was to remove the bust darts, cheater style. What's cheater style you ask? It means you ignore the little ledge, v thing the dart makes and continue cutting straight down the side tapering back in to the side seam. I'm not guaranteeing this will work successfully on all patterns but I do think it worked here.
I also drew the pattern outline onto the slippery fabric, partly because the fabric was slippery and partly because I only had half the pattern so I had to flip it over to draw the other half for the bias layout. This whole slip was an exercise in bending the rules. ;)
Closeup of the details.  Not the absolute best job
but pretty good for my first time working with
slippery fabrics. 
After french seaming the shoulders and sideseams I used bias strips to bind the neckline and armholes. I let it hang for a few days then leveled it off and hemmed it. Despite, or because of all the changes, I think I have a lovely little nighty that will hopefully help my friend feel as beautiful as she truly is.


  1. It's still sexy but in a really pretty sort of way - it's lovely. I do hope everything goes well in the future for your friend.

  2. What a good friend you must be! Lovely and thoughtful gift!

  3. You are truly a good friend - I'm sure she'll love it. :)

    1. Thanks. I'm excited to give it to her and see what she thinks.

  4. That fabric is gorgeous! and you are a kind and generous friend to make such a lovely gift.

    1. I know! It's so beautiful. She appreciates handmade so I know she'll think it's special even if it doesn't fit her.....

  5. LOVE it!! you did an amazing job! I know she is going to LOVE it too~ :)

    1. Yea!! Thanks for your input! It was a help in deciding what to do.
