
Monday, August 5, 2013

July Stashbusting Dress Roundup

Well I made it home from our "vacation" late this afternoon. I got several new books, sewing and reading and some great fabric. Some vintage I bought for my Etsy shop and a pile that was given to me by a friend. Free doesn't doesn't break my stashbusting pledge... especially when what I'm given will be perfect for kids christmas gifts. Anyways, back to July...
Cindy has the link party up. Go add all your wonderfulness so we can have fun voting on our favorites. Here's some Dressy fabulousness from our Flickr pool. I know I haven't been commenting lately but I do check in from time to time and love all that's being added there!

Simplicity 3035
Stitch Parade's Sunshine Coast Dress
Green merino knit dress
Kbenco's Winter Dress I want to copy this for myself.
Cambie Dress
Finished in May but Posted in July It's still stash
so we're counting it! :)
Ottobre 03/2012 #34 as a nightgown
Simply Adorable!
Lady Skater - Maxi-mized!
This woman is a sewing machine! She made bunches of dresses this month but this one
is my favorite.
Simplicity 2443 Tree Dress Front
And we can't end this month without Heather B.
She's doing a Summer of Dresses on her blog which I
highly recommend for laughs and pattern inspiration. 
Also, if you're interested in getting even more social with your sewing check out the latest "challenge" going on right now. I hope this lasts for awhile so I get to participate... too much going on right now.

Well that sums it up for July! Happy sewing to you all in August!

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