
Friday, August 2, 2013

August Stashbusting: UFO'S and Refashioning Style

Welp, here we are Stashbusters, at the beginning of another month. I always get excited at the prospect of a new challenge and August is no exception. As I've been following your blogs and reading your goals for the year I noticed several of you are refashioners and many of us were bemoaning our boxes of unfinished projects lying around.

When I was cleaning out a friend's basement I had to throw away two big boxes full of cut dresses, shirts and who knows what else. Now before you rain down heaps of reproaches on me let me tell you these boxes were full of mouse poo and the detris that sifts into boxes that have been sitting in the basement for the last 40 years. The pins were rusted into most pieces, leaving stains. At least all the pieces I could stand to go through before I collapsed into a sneezing heap.

So... August is time to tackle our Unfinished Projects and if you don't have any of those tackle your Refashioning Pile and if you don't have any of those have fun sewing whatever you please this month. Which you can do anyways. Completing something already partially done is a great way to ease back into sewing after all the craziness of our summer here on this side of the planet.

I'm working on building up a refashioning pinboard.

Here's some great refashioning inspiration around the web as well.

The Refashioners 2013

SoZoe's Refashioning Resources

I know I'm missing some... but "vacation" is calling me. What are your favorite refashioning resources?


  1. Yes, some things are beyond redemption - tossing was the only solution here.

    I admire refashioning, but haven't done much yet, so look forward to seeing what you do.

    1. Thanks, I think it will be a fun month. I hope you gain some inspiration.

  2. Woohoo, seeing as UFO-FOing is also the August theme on the Czech sewing web board I occasionally visit, this could not have come at a better time!

    1. Yea!!! I love it when sewing challenges overlap! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  3. I just caught this post but you and I are totally on the same wavelength. I have been bemoaning the fact that UFO's are piling up so now this is my kick in the pants to get them finished!

    1. Hurrah! Glad I could be of help. Let's create together!
