
Monday, July 1, 2013

Random Announcements

Hello World, (or more precisely the little pieces of the world that read me)

In case you don't know, or haven't done it yet; (cue the dramatic death music) Google reader is dying tomorrow and all your blogs will be lost to cyberspace unless you continue to follow us; me particularly, on other platforms, like Bloglovin (cue happy rescue music).

Next, my wonderful team, PatternPatter is having a Christmas in July Blitz. This is when we flood the Etsy marketplace with patterns in 24 hours. This month we have a theme for our listings and of course there are lots of sales and all that jazz going on. Lucky you can see it all in this handy Blitz Thread. So if you are feeling Christmassy or looking for things to keep your kids busy this summer, go check it out.

Third, I've started a monthly newsletter for my Etsy shop. It will give you notice of sales and other money saving things like that as well as lots of vintage sewing news and advice... at least that's the idea.  If you're interested in vintage sewing, you should leave your email in the comments below so I can add you to the list.

But wait, I'm not done plugging my business yet! If you don't think you have enough vintage sewing blogs to follow please pop over to the PatternPatter blog and take a peek. I am the main editor and gather posts from fellow teammates that all relate somehow to vintage sewing. Yes, we are trying to sell you our patterns, (because our families threaten eviction if we don't do something about the piles) but we really just want to share our love of this great old sewing stuff and infect you with our pattern mania! (hide the crazy laughter in the background).

Ok, thanks for bearing with me, I'll be back later today with our July Stashbusting Announcements. Two posts in one day. Aren't you lucky!


  1. When I read "cue happy rescue music" my brain played the Indiana Jones theme song. It got a little stuck in my head, so I had to share with you.

    1. Haha! Thats so great!! I think the Star Wars music was playing in my head when I wrote this but Indiana Jones is another good one!
