
Monday, July 1, 2013

July Stashbusting: The Dress Challenge

Hello Stashbusters!
  It's time for another challenge month! We've had a rest in June and now it's time to get back into the competitive spirt and make some dresses. If you don't feel like sewing one for yourself find a little girl, a friend or even your dog to make one for. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.
Here's the rules:
  • Make a dress.
  • In case it slipped your mind the bulk of your supplies must be from the stash. Extra point if you use a pattern from the stash.
  • Since we're all over the globe it must be appropriate to your climate right now.
  • It must be made this July and entered in the appropriate link party on Cation's blog.
Whelp, I think that's about it. We try to keep our challenges simple around here at Stashbusting Headquarters... 
For inspiration I've flooded our July Pinboard with some of the most fanciful dresses I could find. If you're really into vintage styles you can check out some of my favorites on my personal Lovely Vintage Patterns board.

But what about June? Cation's opened up a link party for ALL our stashbusting makes thus far that haven't fit in any of the other link parties including June's Theme. So go! I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all been up to. 
Speaking of what you've been up to, I finally made it back around to the Flickr pool and chose some favorite creations popping up over there.

Sewing Cake Hummingbird
Blogged Here

Sewaholic Robson Trench - Underlined
Fabulous lining!
Moomin Troll
Stash as wall art!

Minimum Viable Pirate Adventure Kit
Baby Pirate Bag
Another long sleeved shirt!
Fabulous Shirt!
There's lots more but I don't want to run too long... go look for yourself. Even if you don't have an account you should still be able to see the photos. Am I right Flickr experts?

To end this post and celebrate our six months of stashbusting I have a poll for you! Hopefully it works right... Catch ya later!

What have been your favorite Stashbusting Months so far?


  1. Been waiting for a dress theme :) Have tons of stash originally bought to turn into beautiful dresses... Somehow so far all the dresses I made were a pain to sew but all came out well. The pain however is stronger than the result so far. That's why I need a lot of motivation to do dresses.
    Btw, I have a giveaway in case you're interested -

    1. Yea! I can't wait to see what you make. Dresses are worth the effort and if your results are good, sew away!!

  2. How fun to be reading along and find myself at the end of you post! Thanks for the props and the links. :)

    I'm very much behind on the stashbusting (I suppose that's par for the course, really) and I won't be able to make any dresses this month. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things in August.

    1. Yea!! Glad you liked it!

      Hang in there. The themes are always optional so no worries. Life can be super crazy. Sometimes I'm amazed I have anything ready to post with all the craziness that goes on behind the scenes! :)
