
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Winterizing My Snowdrop Tiramisu

I feel a bit guilty that my first two renditions of Cake Pattern's Tiramisu have been total hacks. Although maybe it speaks to the quality of the pattern drafting that I was able to do this from the get go and still end up with wearable garments. I loved it so much but I knew if I was going to make it work for my winters I would need to make some adjustments.

1. Eliminate the V-neck wrap top.
Fix: I aligned the center front line on the fold and drew in a scoop neckline.

2. Add long sleeves.
Fix: Used Steph's Long Sleeve Hack to draft myself some sleeves. Note: My sleeves ended up tight at the bottom as well and I figured out why!! While seam allowance is included at the armhole the line we draw to is our wrist measurement with NO SEAM ALLOWANCE INCLUDED. For the knit I used it is a pretty tight fit.

3. Make the skirt longer
Fix: First I have to say I have been wanting to do a handkerchief hem for YEARS. With this dress, I finally had the perfect fabric pair to do it with! I cut a bit smaller than the waistband measurement out of the center of two rectangles, staggered them and got a floor length circle skirt!
Details, details, it's all in the details. I'm pretty proud of my topstitching here especially since
I had to recut the white neckline. I love these two fabrics together, such great texture.
The hem is staggered all over the place giving it that hippie, free spirited vibe I was going for.
As you can see I ended up pairing the lacy blue floral knit with the white stripe my friend gave to me. Both were semi-sheer so it was perfect in more ways than one! The blue knit was also a stashbust since I have had it since before college.
It has a doubly amazing twirl factor.

It also works well for hide and seek!

While cutting a circle skirt like I did meant no pockets, the double
skirt layer means I can still pick up and carry things.
I'm not sure if these are the best colors for me to be wearing but it is super comfy and I think it will be a great run around the house dress. I'm waiting to see if the bias drops on the skirt. I may end up trimming it a bit shorter.
The most normal shot...
So what do you think? Pretty crazy or pretty comfy?


  1. I love handkerchief hems, and it's so great to see a winterized version of the TIra. I'm also of the opinion that pretty crazy and pretty comfy don't have to be mutually exclusive ;)

    1. Yea!! Glad to know I'm not alone in my love of handkerchief hems and crazy outfits!

  2. I love this, especially the hem! It looks so comfy!

    1. Thanks, it is very comfy. I love the pull over your head and go looks.

  3. More details on how you did the skirt, please? Including the gathered-up bit (with rosettes, or just gathers?)? The one handkerchief hemline I did was out of squares instead of rectangles, and the high points on the hem are, well, really high.

    1. Hey Christina,
      I'll get some pictures and do a post about the skirt. I think that will be easier than trying to explain it here. Yes the handkerchief hemline does have some VERY high points which is why I was so tickled to find two fabrics to work together to eliminate that problem.

  4. Kinda both actually. Looks really cool, I love the color/fabric matching too.

    1. Thanks! I was so tickled when I got the white fabric! I knew it would work perfectly with the blue and I would finally get to make that skirt!
