
Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Madness Roundup

Hi Guys!
The wind is blowing over 50 mph so the snow can't stick. I'm hunkered down in my basement working on my income taxes. Oh joy. Needless to say my brain is dead so I though I'd throw some friendly reminders out there instead of doing a poor post on my new favorite shirt! (spoilers, my dear)

Stashbusters, Go VOTE!! You only have two days to help Cindy and I by narrowing down all those fabulous February projects. All you have to do is click on the little star under your favorite but you only get to vote once so choose wisely!
I'm going to do a round up of my favorite makes that were NOT made for others on the day we announce the winner! So keep posting your pics in the flickr pool. There is some truly fabulous sewing going on!

Calling all Stashbusting Pinners! Since our seasons are so varied I wanted a more diverse pinterest board for March's Seasonal Change. If you would like to pin your season's dreams, leave me a comment below with your pinterest name or hop on over to our board and leave me a comment there. I will happily add you as a contributor.

Lastly, I joined Covert Robin!
the covert robin button
It seems like a fun idea and I love putting surprise packages together. This will be a bit of a stretch for me since I don't know the person but the idea of getting crafty goodness from a fellow creative was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Stay warm, or cool depending on where you are and don't let this wind blow ya away! Until next time, Happy Sewing!

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