
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's A New Year!

Hurrah! Congratulations you have made it to 2013! It's a new year full of new possibilities. I have been doing a lot of thinking on what directions I want to take in this year and have been making lists to help me accomplish my goals!! Yeah, this is about New Year's Resolutions.....

In No Particular Order:
1. Blogging! I've loved being part of the blogging community and plan to continue that in the new year.
   a. Continue posting 3 times a week.
   b. Introduce some new topics and figure out ways I can contribute and give back to this rich community.
   c. Make more connections!! I'm going to be a part of

It's my first sew-a-long. I am also already preparing to take part in Me-Made-May!
   d. Improve blog with better photos and formats, etc.

2. Organization! Be prepared for many posts on this. You are forewarned.
   a. Right Brain methods of dealing with clutter and organizing leading to cleaner workspaces for me.
   b. Figuring out a daily schedule that works for me with flexibility for life. (I can't wait to hear your thoughts and ideas on this!)

3. Health?!
  a. Not sure what to title this section but finding an exercise plan
  b. Living and working with a Chronic Illness
  c. Gluten Free recipes for Diabetics (really excited about this)

4. Business!
   a. Lots of big plans including starting my own website.
   b. Teaching Localish Sewing Classes (ecstatic and nervous doesn't even begin to describe it!)
   c. Begin to create an amazing story doing what I love.

I hope you'll stick around and chime in with your thoughts and ideas in the coming year. I'm looking forward to growing with you!

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