
Monday, December 31, 2012

A Year of Firsts

Looking back it has been a year of firsts for me.

I started selling my baby boots and vintage patterns.

I joined the best team on Etsy, Pattern Patter.

I got off of facebook... twice.

I joined WeSewRetro and it didn't take me very long to realize I loved the interaction blogging gave me!

I started Tumbleweeds In The Wind.

I joined Pinterest!! (Still excited about that.)

I started sewing vintage dress patterns culminating in a dress from an unprinted pattern.

I've started to make friends around the world and have already learned so much from them.

I participated in my first craft show.

I made my first pair of real pants conquering a big fear in the process!

I am thankful for so much this year too!

A dear little friend who sews with me.
 This was her Christmas outfit.

Privileged to be a part of these amazing kids lives!
(and their parents too :)

A super special night with my mother at our first
Broadway show. One of my favorite stories!

Living in a place with some of the most stunning skies!
There's so much more but so little time! I am already making big plans for 2013 which you'll be reading about shortly! I hope you'll hang around in the new year to share your thoughts too! In fact I'll end with a question for you! What are you most thankful for in 2012?

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