
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

An Award and The Successive Gushy Speech

Wow! I was nominated for my first blog award! Tee from Dressed2ATee nominated me for the Stashbusting Sewalong! I was so amazed that it took me a couple of days to realize I had actually been given such a thing. I also want to thank everyone who has joined the Stashbusting Sewalong. It is very satisfying to see a small idea grow into something people are so enthusiastic about. Some great projects have been made so far and I can't wait to see how much we have accomplished by the end of the year!

Which leads me to the first person I want to pass this award onto,
Cindy, The Cationess, for having such a fun blog and deciding to help me run the sewalong! I wouldn't have had the confidence to do it if she hadn't thought it was a great idea and designed such an amazing button! ( I just want to add, I enjoy the irony of me being loud, and socially awkward and Cindy, being a self described introvert, getting together over our blogs. If we had met in person I probably would have scared her to death but because of sewing I think we are becoming friends.)

The rest of the lovelies are in no particular order.
I know she just received it, but Carolyn from Handmade by Carolyn has also inspired me with her superb sewing execution and all the fascinating Japanese books she drafts from. ( I really think I need to get some of those Pattern Magic books...)
So Zoe.. cause she was the first sewing blog ever!!! So many ways to turn duds into treasures, her sewing sustainably is something that will infect your mind!! If that doesn't work her sailor inspired outfits will!
Steph from 3 Hours Past is so amazing and inspiring in so many ways! I am really enjoying reading her journey into building her own pattern company. I appreciate her stand against women's negative mindset towards their bodies and her revolutionary but very sensible approach to pattern design and sizing.
WeSewRetro is a collective blog that I enjoyed so much, I decided to start my own blog so I could blab about all the things I was making and not just the retro stuff. Its community is so welcoming and fun to participate in.
Disparate Disciplines is an always interesting little blog. Mari's posts on Foundation Garments and Clothing Affecting Our Moods really came at the right time for me and helped me think about what I was sewing. 
Last but not Least! To totally switch gears on you my last inspiring blog award goes to Simon and Martina from EatYourKimchi! Other countries and cultures have always fascinated me and when they came up in the search results on Korean Bathhouses they had me hooked from the get go! Their amazing marriage is an inspiration and they manage to be informative and silly at the same time. Great job guys! You always bring a smile to my face!

Award Rules
(Hopefully I've managed to follow them correctly, but I don't think there are blogger police out there waiting to get me if I didn't)

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add the The Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers that inspire you.
5. Include the rules.
6. Inform your nominees. (I'll be doing that later today)

So that's it for today. Stashbusters, don't worry I haven't forgotten you. Friday a post is coming JUST FOR YOU!


  1. Thank you so much, Emily! I'm glad to know I was somewhere near the right track with the Tiramisu dress sizing, can't wait to put wovens and pants and etc into your hands.. ;)

    1. I'm excited to see what you come up with next too!

  2. Thank you so much for the very kind thought Emily!! I'll update that post to include your name as giving me this award too... you are sweet!

    1. You are most welcome! What a great solution to not double post. Glad I didn't cause you extra trouble!

  3. Aw thank you so much! I'm a bit bashful to hear such nice things about my blog.

    1. You are welcome! I think you have some great things to say, keep it up!
