
Friday, January 25, 2013

A Little Bit of This & That

Little itty bits for you, fill your pockets wishing to
Make the messes disappear, bringing presents of good cheer. 
Hello Fellow Stashbusters!
 First, a confession. Cation Designs and I came up with a blogging schedule so at least once a week you would get a stashbusting project post. We each post every other week so we have a week off to prepare or do other things. I was the one who wrote the schedule but do you think I could read it!?! Noooo that would be too easy. I seem to be struggling with dates this month. Anyone else struggling to get into the groove of this new year?
All this to say I was in a panic trying to get some projects done, when I realized my SCHEDULED post is next week! MUAHAHAHA, you have to wait until Monday now to see what I've concocted from my itty bits.
Don't despair though, Cindy was not confused about the schedule and has put out two amazing and fun posts: Itty Bits and Mountain Majesties.

You can also browse through the amazing Flickr pool and see all the great projects being made by all of you! Remember Cation Designs and I will be doing roundup posts at the end of each month and all you need to do to be included is post your picture there too!

A sub group was also started on Flickr for those of you interested in swapping unwanted patterns and fabric. I think this is a great way to get around buying new fabric and get things moved out too.

The flickr pool has become my bedtime reading and I'm very inspired to see how you all have jumped and ran with this idea. Anyone who has linked their blog post to their photos, I am pinning to our Stashbusting Headquarters board that way you can read about everyone's doings in one place. If you blog your makes, and want to be included on the pinboard leave the link to your post in the comments here or in Flickr so I can find you!

Oh, just to clarify, you don't have to follow the monthly plans to join the Stashbusting. You can pick and choose to follow and participate in any of the themes or challenges you want. We are certainly sewing other things as well. Nor do you have to pledge not to buy any more fabric. Our goal with this was to provide us all with a kick in the pants to use what we already have. Plus it's more fun to do it together than alone!
UPDATE: Stash: anything you sew with that is in your house about the time you signed up for the sewalong. If it's fabric you're using it is part of your stash.

So what have I been sewing if not my itty bits?
This terribly photographed. queen sized monster is finally getting quilted. It's a quilt I told my brother I'd make him for Christmas. The top was done by then but it took me until today to figure out a quilting plan and actually get started on it. (Word to the wise, don't make a specific quilt pattern without the pattern.) I cleaned off the table in our kitchen/living room and am quilting it up there since I have more room to swing it around. The men folk moaned and worried I am taking over the whole house with my sewing. Do you ever have those troubles?

PS. If you have any more questions about the sewalong, please ask them below and I'll do my best to get them answered! Until next time, Happy Sewing!

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