
Friday, June 3, 2016

MMM 2016 Reflections

Me-Made-May is over again! I kept data of what I wore even though I did not take any photos of my daily outfits. Too much stress.

The winner of the most worn award: Espresso Leggings by Cake Patterns!
I have two pair in cotton and two pair in wool. They are red and navy. The navy wool pair made the month with 6 wears but all together leggings were worn 12 times.

Unglamorous photo, I know.. but they are leggings...

Next up: Dresses! I really like dresses and wore them 15 days out of the month. Here are photos of a few of the most worn pieces.
My 50's dress. I really need to make some more of this style. I love it so much.
Hippie Bus Curtain dress wins the "Worn The Most Consecutive Days"Award
Burgundy Eliana won the "Interview Dress" award

Brings me the most joy!!! 

There was only one day I did not wear any Me Mades and I wore store-bought pieces 12 times over the month. These were mostly cardigans or sweaters. The other wears were solid tops with a printed skirt... remember this Emily!!! You wear solids! 

I really like wearing skirts and dresses. They are more comfortable and easy wearing. I do like my trousers for traveling and pockets though. Looking at my notes, I need to do some work on undergarments. I could use a short slip and some tanks. And a new floaty summer nightgown! 

I have a couple special projects that have been on the back burner for awhile that I plan on working on but since I am in the process of moving and I'm not sure what the new needs of my life will be, I am putting most of my garment sewing on hold...

I need to get my business newsletter off the ground and hopefully find some good craft shows to market my wares so I think I am going to direct my creative energies that direction.

Any great revelations for you this MMM? Any advice on moving the sewing room? Space is premium and I'm dithering on what to pack?!!?!

1 comment:

  1. My main revelation was that I definitely could use some more clothes for just around the house. I'm fine on days that I have flute teaching, but the days that I just stayed home with the baby were a lot harder because all I want to wear is jeans and t shirts.
