
Monday, July 7, 2014

July Stashbusting: Theme & Challenge

Hello Stashbusters!

July is all about the pretties, the fluff, the fun, the DRESSES!!! The reason so many of us learned to sew and continue to sew. This is the month to pull the fun from the stash and create something nice.

It's not all fun and games though, we still have our Curating challenge! I'm not about to let you off while I'm galavanting around the mountains chasing kids. Just because I'm not tethered to my sewing machine means you get time off! :)
July's Curating Challenge is focusing on our pattern stash. So many dresses are statement pieces and those patterns we'll only make once. Or we have that ONE pattern to rule them all that adapts for any and ever situation. Or how about those duplicates? I find myself gravitating to the same styles over and over again. How many poofy 50's dress patterns does one girl need? ;)
Go through your stash and get rid of those patterns you know you'll never sew again. Find that one pattern you've been wanting to make forever and finally whip it up. Let's prune the dead wood so our favorites can flourish!

It's up to you! What dress pattern do you want to sew up this month?


  1. No dresses for me, too cold but I am working on my first lot of patterns for active wear!

  2. I'm hoping to knock out a Mission Maxi-esque dress (similar McCall's pattern) and a Deer & Doe Reglisse this month. But I need to finish the jeans I'm currently working on first!
