
Friday, April 11, 2014

How To Get New Stash Without Buying More Fabric: An Interview with Melly Sews

I've discovered a secret! A way to get just what I want without buying MORE fabric! Aren't you dying to know... hehehe
I was delighted when Melissa from Melly Sews took some time to answer some questions I threw at her earlier this week.

Dress Here
How long have you been sewing and what kind of fabric stash do you have? 
30+ years (I started when I was 3) and I actually don't have a huge stash - I tend to buy more for specific projects than to hoard.  My entire stash is on display in this post.

If you have a stash how do you keep it under control? Or does it just run wild?
I'm too organized and a clean freak to let my stash get out of hand. I make sure to wash and then make mini fabric bolts out of everything as soon as it gets home.  

Why do you sew and what made you start dyeing your own fabric?
I sew because I'm picky and I typically can't find what I want unless I make it.  

I think of dyeing being something that needs a lot of special equipment and very messy. Is that true? 
You don't need a lot of special equipment - the entirety of my extensive dye collection and supplies fits in the tub I use to dye my fabric in. It can be messy, but I contain that by dyeing with my dye tub in my bathtub.  (You can read all about here process in detail here!)

Do you have a few tips on supplies or techniques for those of us beginning the dyeing adventure? 
Dharma Trading Co is my FAVORITE! I'd say the procion dyes are the easiest place to start. And to use natural fabrics - cotton is the easiest. Synthetics either don't dye or need different dyes/and or messier more complicated processes. Yarn dyeing with Kool-Aid is also a fun, non-toxic place to start if you like to work with wool. 

So what do you guys think? Have you ever dyed fabric before? I know there are a couple of quality pieces in my stash that I'd love to have in a different color! Big thanks to Melissa for taking time out of her busy schedule and sharing her process with us today!
Will you be dyeing fabric this weekend?

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