
Thursday, January 2, 2014

End of Stashbusting 2013!

Happy New Year Stashbusters!! Hurrah!!!

Can you believe we’ve made it through a whole year already? It seems like just yesterday Cindy and I were emailing back and forth about this great idea for a sew along that would last the whole year and now we’ve completed it. I don’t know about you but I’m pretty proud of us and of all of you! 
To wrap up the Stashbusting Sewalong 2013 we want to celebrate our achievements with some recognition and prizes!

1. To The One who Sewed the Most Items

2. To the One who Sewed the Most Yardage

3. To the One who Bought the Least Amount of Fabric

4. To the One who Accomplished her Stashbusting Pledge (this will be a drawing from all who did)

And finally, as a thank you to all who took the pledge this year, we have a $20. gift certificate from EmSewCrazy open to all who took the pledge no matter how much stash busting you got done…

To Enter: 

Hop on over to Cation Designs and leave a comment on her post listing how many items you sewed and how much yardage you used from the stash. She’ll tally it up and find the winners for categories 1 and 2.

Leave a comment here with your Stashbusting Pledge and how much of it you accomplished along with how much fabric you bought. I’ll be sorting through those entries and finding the winners of categories 3 and 4.

To win the $20. enter through Rafflecopter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Let’s share and celebrate our achievements as we head into a new year! Happy New Year everyone!

Psst... I'll be back on Friday to announce Stashbusting 2014!


  1. OK, I totally loose in the buying less fabric part. There was much fabric and I love it all. However I did meet my stashbusting pledge of 40 garments made from stash. Woot Woot!

  2. I met my goal of 25 pieces of stash fabric. Total fail in the buying less fabric arena. I don't even want to try to tally up how many additional yards I acquired this year. They will get sewn up this year, really; at least I'll be tracking to make sure I have more going out than coming in.

  3. I met my stashbusting pledge for 2013, sewed 18 garments from stash from the total of 22 so 80% (pledge was 3/4 or 75%) and total stash out 35 yards and in was 27 yards (pledge was purchases will be less than used) so rather pleased with that. Now to see if I want to change any of that for this year :)

  4. My goal was to use 16 pieces of fabric and I ended up using 36. To be fair, they were mostly smaller pieces used in projects for my baby, so it doesn't seem like I busted as much as I would have liked. I also pledged to use 4 pieces of stash for every 1 piece purchased. I may have come close, but still failed on that goal. (Who can resist fabric??)
