
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Spy A Great Kid's Gift.

I spy with my little eye, a great project for you!

Eye spy bags are perfect toys to whip out when you need a bit of distraction. I wanted to make some that were small enough to throw into your purse. I'm not giving you directions for how I made mine because I think I put them together the hard way, using fabric scraps I already had cut. Melly Sews has a great tutorial on sewing vinyl windows that is much better. You can just ignore the lining and rest of the pouch directions...
Basically all you are doing is sewing two squares, rectangles, whatever shape you want together, you just have to put a vinyl window in first. Here's a couple of my other random thoughts on making these:

  1. Make the bag THEN write the list on the back. This way it doesn't end up bigger than you wanted. Just make sure you use a pen that doesn't need to be heat set. 
  2. Apparently there is a debate on how big a window to use. Keep it small so only a few things can be seen at a time or let it all hang out. I didn't realize this until afterwards. My small windows were sewing oopses.. excuse me, DESIGN FEATURES. 
    Folded on left, full vinyl window on right.
  3. Find LOTS of stuff. I wish I had found more things to put inside. I wish I had put more filler in them too but I was worried about it being too full and heavy. Whatever.... it works.
  4. Don't let anyone tell you this is a good quiet time toy. The filler rattles against the plastic and if you whip this baby out in church, people are going to start looking around for the noise.
Pebbles, has a lot of fun with the first big one I made. She was a young two year old when she discovered it and loves crawling up in your lap and showing you what she's found. You can really draw out the distraction time by asking what it is, what color, what shape, all that good stuff. 

So there it is! Another quickish project for you. I think these would make great stocking stuffers. What do you think?

Ps. Just found this sewalong and am TOTALLY doing this! Just the kick in the pants I need to start my fall sewing. Anyone else in for it?

Bow Neck Blouse Sewalong


  1. Awesome. Was thinking what to do for my boy to play with during the trips (10 hours by car) back to my parents. This sounds just perfect.

    1. These are PERFECT car trip toys! Hope your travels go well.

  2. These are so ingenious! What a fun way to use scraps, too.
