
Monday, August 12, 2013

Refashioning Inspiration

Due to some unforeseen events my refashioning plans for this month got refashioned! Haha imagine that! While I'll be doing my best to get the smaller projects done my big refashions are probably going to have to wait a bit longer while I sew bridesmaid dresses for my bestest college friend. I think it's a good reason.

So what do I have to share with you today if not my UFO refashioning projects?? How about some inspiration!

We recently found The Mind of a Chef on Netflix and it became our light suppertime watching for a few nights. On one of the episodes, (I can't remember which one) the host said something along these lines.  With everything that's available to everyone today, anyone can cook a good steak. The measure of a true chef is one who can take the leftovers, the garbage and turn them into a tasty masterpiece.

I think that perfectly embodies what we are trying to do this month with our UFOS and refashions.

Stashbusting Sewalong. Refashioning Inspiration
Image Source
I also just finished this book. I chose it from the thrift store pile because it was an autobiography. FABULOUS!! This boy built something from nothing and was able to change his and his family's lives. I think parents and children should read this and realize the value of working hard, getting an education and following your dreams. He built a windmill in his backyard out of pieces he picked out of a junkyard using the knowledge he gleaned from library books. Even when everyone thought he was crazy he continued to work hard. 

I am so blessed and have so much! I'm so thankful for the good education I was given, the knowledge that is so accessible, that I can live and eat without fear of famine. Thanks to William's hard work his family doesn't have to fear famine anymore either. 

That's all I have for you today! I've got to get back to work!


  1. My ex had a very thoughtful idea of life. He always said everyone should only have as much physical space as much they earn by being a good member of society. So anyone who would do much for good would have a lot, while stupid assholes only thinking of their own wellbeing would get just the bare minimum.
    I think we all need to value what we have 'objectively' - compared to how much we really need. Anything over this is extra and should be appreciated - not taken for granted.
    I hate to think how much talent is lost due to being born in a poor family not having a chance to shine.

    1. Interesting thought. I agree we need to remember to be more grateful and thankful for what we have!
