
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Me Made May Final Roundup and Thoughts

Well its done! I completed my first Me Made May! I had pledged to wear at least one me-made garment every day and take daily photos.
May 26th African Wax Print Dress

May 27th Red Dot top again.

May 28th Pink Tira Test run

My 29th, Brown knit dress

May 30th, finished Tiramisu

May 31st New Stripe Top and a Fond Farewell.
As you can see I was able to complete my goals. It was a good challenge, one that gave me pause for thought yet didn't leave me crying in frustration halfway through. To keep myself from rambling, I'm going to pull out the trusty bullet points.

  • I learned I don't wear my handmade garments as often as I thought I did. Granted this is a transitional time of year and I've only started sewing everyday garb last September so there are still plenty of holes that need filling. 
  • I had accurately assessed what I need to make if I plan to wear me mades on a daily basis. Bring on the trousers and tops.
  • The rest of the world wears dresses and skirts on a regular basis. I need to move there! Dresses are such an oddity here and that's probably mostly because of the way of life, but I'd still like to be able to pull on a dress and not be the weird one. But I'm always going to be a bit weird regardless of what I'm wearing so C'est la vie.
  • I need to visit Britain and go tights shopping. Preferably red tights. Thick warm squishy tights. If your country has some or you know where to get them in the US let me know. 
  • Daily photos! What an exercise in self esteem. I'm usually the one behind the camera and having to get in front of it every day was enlightening. The first two weeks I had to keep from tearing myself down every time I edited photos. The last two weeks were much more relaxed as I got more comfortable in front of the camera and realized a photo doesn't tell the whole story. You wonderful ladies of the flickr group helped tremendously with this by showing me all your beautiful faces being happy, sad or silly (HeatherB, I'm looking at you!).
  • What a fabulous community to be a part of! I "met" so many amazing ladies of all ages and I can't wait to take my time going back through the Flickr pool and getting to know you better through your blogs. If I ever get Korean learned, I feel the need to start on Japanese next because those ladies have such classy style! How do they pull that off?
Well that's all the reasons I can remember at the moment... Thanks to Zoe and everyone else for a lovely experience!


  1. Congratulations on a full month of MMM! It's been fun to watch. :)

    For tights, I shop locally at Sock Dreams (on-line at They may not have much of a winter selection right now, but I've purchased some cotton-lined wool tights from them that are my best friends in the winter. They also have Thermo fleece lined tight! Not sure if in red, though.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll check that site out!

  2. Congrats on making it through. I just can't imagine having to have my picture taken every single day. But I do wear something made by me every day. I hardly own anything I haven't made myself.

    1. Thanks. Someday I hope to have all or mostly handmade garments. They fit me so much better than store bought. Plus whenever I do walk through clothing stores all I can think is how boring and the same everything is.

  3. Congratulations, you made it!! I didn't participate this year but I know how hard it is keeping up with the photos etc. You have some really great me-mades, keep it up :)

    1. Thanks! I think I'm addicted to handmade clothing. There's no stopping me now!

  4. Congratulations! you had a brilliant MMM! and here's to more dresses in your life! :)
