
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stashbusting!!! May Challenge and April Roundup

Happy May Day Everyone!!
Can you believe we have already been doing this stashbusting thing for 4 WHOLE MONTHS! Whoo Hoo Us! I wish there was a counter that showed how much fabric we all have used up so far. 
I just want to encourage you all to keep stashbusting and posting in the Flickr pool even if you are not doing the monthly challenges. (and if you don't have flickr leave me a comment so I can find you and build up immunity to fabric buying.) Remember they are just there to add a bit of fun and direction if you so desire. The main goal is using the stash, as long as you're doing that, YOU WIN!!

That being said it's MAY and it's another Challenge month! Guys, I'm SO excited about this month! I have high hopes of making a serious dent in my pile of knits on the bedroom floor! Here's all the knitty gritty details:

THE KNIT CHALLENGE Show how creative you can be with knits! You can make whatever you please as long as it's made with knit!

  1. All items entered must be 50-75% made from your stash supplies.
  2. Item must be made within the month of May.
  3. To enter upload your submission photo to the inlinkz photo pool at the end of the month.
  4. Deadline for entering is May 31st. 
Now for some PINSPIRATION!!! Here's our Stashbusting Board for the month. And here's my personal board where I have collected helpful tips and tricks for sewing with knits. If YOU have any great tips, patterns, tutorials etc. please share in the comments. If you have links please share them too and I'll pin them to our board so everyone can learn!

So April, April of crazy weather and crazy schedules. I was wondering... We say, "April showers bring May flowers." on this side of the globe. What do you say over there on the other side of the planet? 

Here's my April favorites from the Flickr pool. (as soon as I do this someone will add something super cool)

Heart Dress with Umbrella 2
Bright Dress, bright umbrella, bright shoes! How VIBRANT is she!

Love this whole outfit! 
McCalls 6563
Twirl away!
Super Duper Cute! So cheerfully springy too.

Vibrant Attitude

Kids Clothing Week Challenge: Tuesday
Vibrant Baby

Bangladesh fabric blouse
Vibrant Lady

Laurel by Colette
Vibrant Dress

Vibrant Cuteness

Rainbow Quilt - back
Vibrant Quilt
Guys, I get so depressed when I do these posts. Everything is SO AWESOME I just want to share them all! Then I realize that it would be a huge unreadable blog post so I quit. There's another amazing rainbow baby in there as well as some super outfits full of high contrast so go look for yourself!

Also, link up your amazingness so we can have a vote which allows Cation and I to only have to chose between a few instead of all of it! Remember to not vote for us though!! Ok, I have to stop now. Go forth and create!


  1. We say "březen, za kamna vlezem, duben, ještě tam budem" - "March, we climb behind the heater/oven, April, we will still be there" - which was quite true this year!

    So much vibrant awesomeness!

    1. Haha! I love that! Thanks for sharing!! That's how it felt in South Dakota this year too! We still don't have any flowers blooming.

      I know! Everyone was super amazing!
