
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Me-Made-May Week 4 Roundup

Oooh it's almost over... but I'm not going to talk about lessons I've learned just yet. Time to see what I wore last week.
May 19th, Vintage top pattern for the bodice and my own experiment with
pickups/tucks/bubble skirt thing...

May 20th, beautiful rain so I stayed inside to craft. My shirt and trousers are both me made.

May 21st, more rain, and three me mades. My shirt, which you can't see my knitted sweater and a very pilly knit skirt. 

May 22nd, My second knitted sweater which is perfect for the change of seasons. Still more rain so I'm working on a long sleeve tunic.

May 23rd, New TOP!! and sunshine. My memade cords as well.

May 24th, my favorite unphotographable 50s dress.

May 25th, Crazy top again. It was one of my first knit tops and I need to go back and fix the neckline. 

So there's a bit of my fabulousness. You can tell I've gotten less creative with my photos. But it's been either busy or dreary this past week so I haven't been able to take any photos worth playing with...


  1. You have a really great range of me-mades :)

    1. Thanks, that means a lot coming from you with all your wonderful pieces. I'm looking forward to this new year and sewing with the purpose to fill my wardrobe.
