
Monday, May 20, 2013

Me-Made-May Week 3 No, you're not getting a more creative title than that..

Wow! It's over half way over!! I had so much fun seeing everyone's sewing spaces for last THEME FRIDAY so I decided to show you mine this week.
May 12th, Proportion seemed to be Sunday's lesson. If the white skirt had been a tich longer I think I could have pulled it off. I LOVE this tunic. You can see more pics and the story of its birth here.

May 13th, Me Made Polka Dot top and messy cutting table!

May 14th Me Made Patchwork skirt. Haven't worn it in eons and forgot how fun it is!

May 15th my trusty machines and new thread rack. I went to they eye Dr. and got told I looked springy in this top. Always a good day when you get compliments from random strangers!

May 16th One of my first knit tops.  Love this fabric and think it's time to repurpose this shirt. I didn't know you need deeper hems on knits so just serged the edges and topstitched down. 1/4 in. seam allowances don't stay put in knits. It also wants to bunch up above my bust. Not sure what that's about...

May 17th, THEME FRIDAY's Hat
I did a service to us all by discovering why our stashes seem to grow! We have Fabric ELVES!!

Practicing my model face, (or really bright sun) This was what I actually wore for May 17th. To read about how much I love this dress, see here. I'm so pleased with this stashbusted piece! 

May 18th, my trusty vintage dress form that I'm learning to use. MeMade Purple and green top.
That's all I've got for today! Hope everyone has a great week! 
Stashbusters, stay tuned, I've got some busted stash to show you!! Hope knits month is going well for you all!


  1. Love the mess! I didn't realise you needed to leave bigger hems on knits until I made two of my marathon finisher t-shirts smaller. A double row of stitches combats it a little xox

    1. Yep, I'm all about bringing reality into the sewing room. :)
      Hemming, I guess we live and learn. I'm doing my best to figure out the double needle right now. Usually I use the zigzag stitch and make my hems 1/2 inch to 1 inch deep and it works much better.
