
Monday, April 1, 2013

Vibrant April Stashbusting!

Yea!! It's a new month with a new theme!! I'm so excited!! This month its all about color! The brighter, richer, deeper, more vibrant, the better! I'm working on building a hopefully inspirational Pinterest board. Do you guys like having Pinterest boards?
It's also our second CHALLENGE!! You can enter to win fame, fortune and fabulous prizes!! (APRIL FOOLS!!!!) The fame, fortune and prize part. You can really enter, its not a joke.

Here's the rules!

  • All Items entered must be made from a minimum of 75% stash supplies
  • Item must be made within the month of April
  • To enter upload your submission photo to Cation's April pool before the deadline
  • Deadline for entering is the last day of April
  • PS. This might be a given but all items better be full of color! :)
Then we'll vote on our favorites and someone will win a token prize and all our admiration. Thanks for participating in advance, everyone! Let's go out and have some colorful fun!

For other announcements, there's still a few hours left to link up your March projects! Go! Do it now and share in the delight of getting something accomplished!

Now, on to some serious thoughts. Today I ready Jess Lively's post on how we can get caught up with the online world. Specifically how we can measure our worth by it. This hit home to me as I was wondering what the point of my blogging was, do people even read it, why don't I get 20bajillion comments on my posts? Obviously this was a selfish pity party since I have recently been nominated not once but TWICE for the Liebster award, (more on that soon) and was given the Inspirational Blogger award. 
So what's my point? I know I can get overwhelmed by the amount of inspiration on Pinterest and in the blogosphere. I fall into the trap of comparing my blog and my sewing skills against others in the community. And guess what? I never come out ahead. 
So this month I challenge you to not only spend time with vibrant colors in your sewing room but also take time to look outside, whether spring or fall, and find the vibrant colors in your life as well. Then we can all create and blog vibrantly ourselves!


  1. That's a good reminder to step away from the blogosphere and admire all of the color that nature and life provide. Happy April!

    1. Happy April to you too! I hope you find much color!

  2. I hear you. I spend more time drooling over patterns online than actually sewing. Maybe I need an internet fast.

    1. Try it! Even if it's just for a day. I'm amazed at how much I can accomplish when make myself put the computer down and step away. I also find when I don't fill my mind with the internet's ideas I am able to think of what will work best with what I have instead of getting dissatisfied I don't have x fabric or y pattern.

  3. Great advice. I'm guilty of measuring myself against other fabulous sewing bloggers too, and always find myself lacking. It's high time we all stopped doing that :)

    1. AMEN!! Pretty sure no one would say the things we tell ourselves. Here's to doing our best and not comparing!

  4. My current theory about folks who have lots of followers is they have good pictures. I think you should blog what you enjoy and don't worry about followers. Have a great spring!

    1. I think you are 100% correct on both points! You have a great spring too!
