
Saturday, April 27, 2013

My Last Vibrant April Stashbusting Post

Yesterday I decided to take my own advice on vibrant living and go out and about with the parents instead of working on my sewing projects and blogging. But I missed you guys and my projects got finished up quickly so I decided you get a Super Saturday blog post.

I fell in love with Portia's Pillows and was inwardly bemoaning the fact I had no home that needed pillows; when it was suggested that I teach a class on them! I've never been so excited about class preparation! I used bright fabrics from the stash. The grow pillow was my first and the navy fabric decided it wanted to be a knit instead of a woven and slithered and stretched??? as I sewed. Since I was just recovering some of Mom's old pillows I wasn't too worried. These are going in our TV room to be sat and drooled on by little children. They are not going to care about its imperfections.
It's already started to fray to give it that worn growing look!

Then I decided since the class is for beginners and we are on a strict time frame I should probably make something that doesn't have a million curvy edges for them to stitch around. Since the class is called "Pillow Talk" maybe the focus should be on the letters and look like the advertising picture. 
Well, sorta like the advertising. I wasn't sure how these fabrics
would work together but I really like the effect.
These sew up super quick and are really fun to put together. I had to keep a tight rein on the applique fiend that wanted to come out and add two million designs. Pinterest does not help with this addiction.
The backs.
I learned the overlap needs to be 3 to 4 inches so the pillow doesn't pooch out the back. This is especially important if you are going for the fitted look. Otherwise everything you need to know is covered in Portia's tutorial. So what do you think of my first envelope pillow slips? Do you like my Love pillow? Has it made you want to hide your eyes and cry yet?? If you live in the Spearfish area come take my class and make your own lovey dovey design just in time for Mother's Day!

Grow in Love my friends! 


  1. Those pillows are really cute!

    1. Thank you! I wasn't sure how the Love one would turn out but I ended up really liking the fabric combo.

  2. I love the grow version, brilliant. x x

    1. Thanks! I love the fabric I used for the letters. It's so cheerful.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! They turned out cuter than I expected.
