
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hi Stashbusters!
  While we've had more snow the last two weeks than we've had all winter I've persevered in the hope that spring will come and decided to keep on my with my sewing plans. Spring dictated a lightweight jacket for Not Niece No. 1, since she is the oldest, and runs out of clothes first as she grows.

I picked up this sweatshirt weight knit at our first sewing swap in December, knowing it would be made into something for my Special Girl who loves every shade of pink. The zipper also came from my stash and I love the pop of color it brings!

Now, my lesson for you today class, is never judge a pattern by its cover. I was in need of a quick fix project. Something I could get done start to finish but I didn't have a kids jacket pattern.
A quick perusal through the pattern drawers turned up this poor sad excuse for a girl's dress. (Please tell me I'm not alone in thinking this is one of the most depressing children's patterns) But it had the essential details I was looking for: a straight bodice with long sleeves. Plus it had width added to the center front, so I could easily insert a zipper.
Some careful tracing gave me the shoulder, armhole and neckline I needed. Then I simply lengthened the side seams to cover that long little girl. Since I didn't make any changes to the armhole I was able to use the pattern sleeve which I tapered out for a looser fit.
I measured the neckline and sleeves for quick cuffs and Tada! A cute little jacket in a couple of hours! It was so nice to be able to quickly complete a project and have the results turn out so well. Now for some warmer weather so she can wear it.

How about you? How's the stashbusting going this month? I feel like this month has gone faster than the other two! Also, have you ever had an unpromising pattern save the day?


  1. This little jacket is so cute! Perfect for spring, and I love the bows in the print. Wish I had one in my size :)

    1. Thanks! I was super pleased with the results too.

  2. That pattern works much better as a jacket than as a dress. How many women are out there now who may never want to learn to sew because they equate home-sewn garments with their mothers making them a dress based on that pattern?

    1. I KNOW!!! What a good point. I just couldn't believe how terrible it was the more I looked at it. I don't know how it ended up in my stash but it will never be used as a dress!

  3. I love this fabric! And the zipper is just perfect for it. I'm sure she'll love it.

    1. She thought it was great! Wore it as soon as I gave it to her.

  4. Love what you did with this fabric.Very cute.

  5. That was some foresight, seeing past the pattern cover to what you were able to make! I love how that jacket looks...lucky girl!

    1. Thanks! I was pretty tickled when it turned out so well!
