
Monday, February 4, 2013

Your Momma's Bandaids

Hi Guys,
  I got sick with a nasty sinus head cold over the weekend and it messed up all my amazing sewing plans! I spent most of my time grumpily trawling the sewing blogs, angry that they got to make stuff while I could barely muster the energy to get out of bed.
In one of my brief bouts of moving around I decided to cut out some of my February projects in white fabric as soon as I changed the blade in my rotary cutter. Yeah, I should have stayed in bed. On the plus side I found a new use for our itty bitty scraps.

How was your weekend? Do you think we can convert the bandaid industry to using our castoff fabric scraps?


  1. I hope you are feeling better. I just got over a nasty sinus head cold myself. Today is the first day I feel better after a week of misery. I just got back to sewing yesterday, man did I miss it!

    1. Hurrah for recovery! This is the first day I'm feeling better and motivated to do anything.

  2. Oh no! I couldn't do any sewing this weekend for the same reason - crappy winter cold.

    1. I know! I guess it could be worse, We could be puking!

  3. Please excuse my giggles, but due to sheer lack of sleep due to a little bug taking out my little guy, I avoided my rotary cutter in my vague sewing efforts. I opted to clip and tear rather than risk my fingers. Turns our, it was for the best. I managed to get by injury free but only barely! If it hadn't been for the nasty sinus infection taking me out early last week, I probably wouldn't have made the effort.

    It's amazing the lengths we'll go through when we're feeling sub-par just to do a bit of sewing!

    1. Yea! Glad to know I'm not alone. Your giggles are excused since your story made me laugh too.

  4. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Still, fabric scraps as bandaids is pretty awesome...way to sacrifice blood in order to use up stash fabric ;)

    1. It wasn't planned but I figured I could take a hit for the team. I'm doing a lot better today so hopefully I'll get caught up!
