
Friday, February 15, 2013

Stripy Love

Hi Stashbusters!
 First I want to say a big HELLO! to all the new participants! I've had several more ladies take the pledge and join the sewalong. I'd list you all but I'm afraid I'd leave some one out and then we'd both feel sad. Links to everything that is going on can be found on my main StashBusting Sewalong page. Be sure to join our Flickr group and get inspired by each other! You all have kept me sewing and I've gotten another project crossed off my list!

February Stash Goals: 7 garments planned, 4 accomplished, 3 left.
Stashbusting Year Goal: 27 garments planned, 4 accomplished, 23 left.
Nothing like a pretty puffed sleeve.

Details, details, my topstitching didn't turn out too bad on
this one. 

One happy Mom whose face I cropped out on request.

I LOVE this knit and can't wait to make myself something scrumptious in it! It's so bright and cheerful and surprisingly presses very well. So Zoe just blogged about Breton Tops and how much she loves stripes. This might seem like a stupid question but I genuinely don't know. Are all Breton Tops striped? Is any striped top classified as Breton top?

Thanks, and have a great lovely dovey weekend.


  1. Nicely done. That looks very professional!

  2. I have no idea about the Breton/stripy tops, as I've always wondered the same thing. The green stripes look very nice though!

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one pondering this... whatever they are, they're fun to wear!
