
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday's Slices of Thankfulness

I've decided to start a new feature this year. Every day I am going to write down one thing I am thankful for and on Saturday I'll share a recap.
I so often get caught up in my life and what is missing or what I have not accomplished instead of all the good things around me. I am truly blessed and want to remember that. So even if it is trivial I'm going to keep a record of those moments that touch me and I recognize God's blessings. I hope you'll chime in each Saturday too, sharing what you are Thankful for that week. So here I go, 365 days of Thanksgiving.

January 1st: Ice skating parties and friends to play ice hockey with.

January 2nd: Turkeys in the yard and a warm house to watch them from.

January 3rd: Watched a great old black and white movie, Driftwood, with my Mom.

January 4th:
Ya gotta love these crazy kids!

Very proud big brother

Very Proud big sister.

How amazing to hold a two day old bundle of life!
Hello Ryka Kate!

January 5th: My new pattern came in the mail in time!

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