
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sewing Swap!

  The holidays are approaching quickly and our local sewing group, "Tubs Anon." decided to squeeze in one more sewing day before the madness started! After reading about all the lovely fabric swaps on different blogs I suggested we try one ourselves in lieu of gifts.
  We sat in a circle a showed everyone what we had brought. One lucky person drew the special paper and got to choose first, whoever she chose from went next, ect. Those who had brought more things got to choose more times. It went pretty well but some had to wait awhile for their first pick.
  Next time we will put all our stuff in a pile and draw numbers to choose items in that order. That way everyone will get to go once before some get to choose twice.
  Most of us were delighted to get rid of sewing supplies we were never going to use! Some books found new homes and fabric and notions got happy new owners.

  I got rid of some crazy leopard knit, a bear pattern and some sports fabric that I was NEVER going to use. While I was trying to decrease my stash I ended up bringing home a bit of a pile.
Bow fabric is a sweatshirtish fabric for a spring jacket for a not-niece.
The light pink check will be a summer dress.
2 shades of green blue soft and cozy knits I'll eek some warm winter shirts out of.
A fun blue border print I'll make myself a skirt out of
or a dress for the little neighbor girl who sews.
The plus side is I can see the garments I will make out of this stuff so it shouldn't sit around while I wonder what to do with it.
How about you? Have you ever attended a fabric/sewing swap? How did it work? Do you ever go home with more than you came with?

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