
Friday, November 2, 2012

StashBustin' Ladybugs!

My Darling Not-Niece chose a white and pink polka dot knit as her favorite when we played the "Ugly or Nice Fabric Game". She immediately christened it the "Ladybug fabric" and wanted to drag it around the house. Why I am bringing home fabric from their mother's stash when I have a pile of my own at home, I don't know.
My Darling Not-Niece has Spinal Muscular Atrophy which means she cannot walk and spends the bulk of her time in a wheel chair or scooting along the floor. She also wears braces to help her stand with assistance. After chatting with her Mom about her wardrobe needs I decided to make a long winter skirt that could be worn over the braces. It couldn't be too full or have any seams center back as she sits a lot, and who really wants to sit on a pile of bunched up fabric or a hard seam? It needed to be large enough for her to move around on the floor though. After some serious thought I remembered CIRCLE SKIRTS!!!
Lex of What the Craft won the google search of the best math on making a circle skirt. I love circle skirts for little girls because you can do the WHOLE circle since it is so small.
I couldn't do just a regular skirt so I added suspenders. I made the waistband looser than tight since I didn't want it to press against her G-tube and the suspenders are insurance that it won't fall down! I also added the cutest little buttons.

Isn't she the cutest!
When I made the skirt I cut a full circle and realized that would be too much fabric for her so I ended up doing a half circle skirt. This left me with enough fabric to do another outfit. I decided a full dress was in order.
I cut a basic tee shirt pattern a bit short in the body and attached the skirt. I gathered scrap strips and topstitched them down with turquoise thread. 
The favorite part for her and I was the cute velvet bow I made out of craft ribbon. We'll see how that holds up in the wash.

Her mom and I were both worried it would be too big but the little stinker is growing up on us! It fits her perfectly! She was pleased, I was pleased, and so was her Mom. A win all the way around. (PS. I didn't hem either skirt since it is wonderful knit that doesn't fray!!) I also used almost all of it up! Way to stash bust!

I enjoyed thinking through this project and making something that would work for her. Have you ever sewn for children with disabilities?

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