
Monday, November 26, 2012

Random Ramble

Hello All,
For those Stateside, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving break. I had a great time with friends and family, culminating in a surprise birthday party my family threw for me! They managed to keep it a secret for a week! I was so surprised and thankful for all who attended. We had a great pork chop dinner and lots of visiting!
We also got a kitten!
First day of terror. All it wanted to do was hide

Second day of curiosity.
We have outdoor cats here in the country but when you first get them they have to come in and get lots of love and pets so they don't make the incredible journey back to the place of their birth. It has the prettiest blue eyes and is rapidly getting SPOILED!
Other random annoucement: in case you hadn't noticed it is Cyber Monday. I am trying to control myself from splurging on the online fabric sales by working hard on my Etsy Store! Stop in, ask me questions, keep me from buying fabric!!!
Here's a link to see all my on sale items: 

In case you can't find anything there my wonderful Pattern Patter team is having another spontaneous blitz and new patterns are going up all day today in this thread! Catch them hot off the presses!

And just in case you can't find anything in either of those places here's a HUGE list of all my Pattern Peeps who are having sales. Most end today, I believe.

 If that doesn't keep you occupied for awhile, you are reading the wrong blog. Looking ahead, I've started on Christmas gifts which puts a damper on posting my creations. So I am planning some posts on vintage pattern sizing and other quirks or historical facts I can dig up on the internet and find interesting. 
Until the wind blows something else by,


  1. Adorable! I love the kitty! Nice job mentioning the sale too ;)

    1. Thanks. Isn't the kitty cute! We still haven't decided what to name it yet.

  2. AAAAAHHH kitten!! I came right over after seeing you mention a new kitten when you commented on my blog...I'm a sucker for kitten pictures, and this one is no exception! I love those darker tufts next to its eyes!

    1. It is a real beauty and it likes loves and cuddles. I love its' coloring too. It is all white except for its ears, around the eyes and about half of the tail. I'll probably be posting more pics of it as it grows since it is so photogenic.
